Thank you for joining. Lets start First of all we will go through the Push notification flow Push Notification Flow Here, I am considering that everyone has gone through APNs(Apple Push Notification service). If not then first go through this link . How the push notification flow takes place? Above image will help you understand the flow easily which is as follows: Your app registers for Push notification service. The device in which app is running will request for device token from APNs server along with device certificate. APNs will validate the certificates of application and generate a app-specific device token. APNS will send the device token to the application. This device token is then send to your/FCM server which will be providing notification. So whenever any interesting thing happens, your/FCM server sends push notification request along with device token to APNs. APNs decrypts the token to ensure the validity of the request and to determine the target devic...
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