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iOS Interview Questions List

Hi All! Here I am after a long time with some important topic. 

iOS Interview Questions

 Hope these questions will help you.....STUDY WELL. All the best!

  1. What are functions? How it differ from Closures?
  2. What is the difference between escaping and non escaping closures?
  3. How would you avoid retain cycles when using closures in swift?
  4. What is capture list?
  5. What is difference between unowned and weak?
  6. What is protocol?
  7. Can we extend protocol?
  8. Can we add properties to extensions?
  9. What are lazy properties? Are they thread safe?
  10. Whats Optional?(Unwrapping techniques)
  11. What is difference between if let and guard let?
  12. What is difference between Class and Struct?
  13. What is Actor?
  14. What are initialisers? What is convenience initialiser?
  15. What are higher order functions?
  16. Tell me life cycle of App Delegate?
  17. Life cycle of UIViewController?
  18. What are SOLID principles?
  19. What you use for persistent storage?
  20. Difference between NSSet and NSArray/ Set and Array?
  21. What is atomic and nonatmic?
  22. What is KVC and KVO?
  23. MVVM Architecture? Why MVVM used over MVC?
  24. Whats new in Swift?
  25. What is SSL Pinning?
  26. What are Access Modifiers?
  27. What is final keyword?
  28. How to achieve concurrency?
  29. What is difference between subclassing and extension?
  30. What is intrinsic content size?
  31. What is defer statement?
  32. What is Codable? What is Coding Key?
  33. What is GCD?
  34. What is NSOperation? Have you used it? Explain with example?
  35. What is Singleton design pattern? Can you write and show how singletons are made?
  36. What are Data races?
  37. What is Compositional Layout in UICollectionView?
  38. Responder chain of UIButton, UITableView?
  39. What are Dispatch Groups?
  40. What is the difference between frames and bound?
  41. What is Core data and Sqlite?
  42. What are OOPs concept?
  43. What are profiles of ipa files? (App Store, Ad hoc, Enterprise)
  44. Have you integrated push notification? Can you tell the steps involved in it?
  45. Have you integrated Google Maps? Can you tell the steps involved in it?


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